10 Best Ways To Get Clients in Real Estate

July 31st, 2024

10 Best Ways To Get Clients in Real Estate

Best Ways To Get Clients in Real Estate

Are you interested in learning some tips and tricks for acquiring clients in real estate? Here are some of the most effective ways to get clients in the real estate industry.

Finding clients can be challenging when starting a real estate career. However, building a strong client base and thriving in this industry is possible. Clients are crucial in real estate, and your success depends on your ability to effectively use marketing and communication strategies to attract and convert leads.

There are various methods to establish and nurture meaningful relationships, both through technology and by organizing community events. Clients won't always come to you; you will have to seek them out proactively. While cold calling can be effective, the real estate industry is evolving, and many other ways exist to attract clients.

With 89% of home buyers purchasing a home through a real estate agent, it's clear that people rely on your expertise to help them buy or sell a home. In this competitive industry, learning how to obtain new clients will set you apart from the competition, whether you are a new or a seasoned agent.

Here are the best ways to get clients in real estate. 

1. Social Media

Based on research from the National Association of Realtors, it's a fact that 77% of realtors use social media for their business, and there's a good reason for it. It's a proven strategy that social media is an excellent platform to post quality property pictures, establish relationships with potential clients, and drive traffic to their websites.

Social media increases visibility and connects buyers and sellers, leading to quicker sales. To effectively find buyers for a home on social media, it's imperative to use relevant hashtags, invest in social media advertisements, and create captivating video content about the house.

Utilize social media to showcase your current listings, services, and success stories. Consider embracing pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google to target users based on their searches and demographics. Pay only when someone clicks on your ad.

In conclusion, social media is reshaping the way people engage with the real estate industry—for buyers, sellers, and agents alike.

Agent using the internet and social media to gain clients

2. Get Involved in the Community

Establishing connections with people in the communities where you want to operate is crucial. Engaging in local events, contributing gift baskets, or offering prizes to local businesses effectively increases your visibility. The more individuals you engage with, the larger your reputation and client base will become.

Networking has always been crucial to a successful real estate business, so it should always be a top priority for agents. Tailor your networking efforts to your personality to help people understand who you are as a person. This way, they will remember you when they are ready to buy or sell.

Irrespective of your networking efforts, the most important element is to introduce yourself and your services to new people. Attracting clients involves establishing genuine connections and effectively communicating your value.

3. SEO Practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial in digital marketing today. It involves integrating keywords and phrases strategically into your online content so that it appears at the top of people's online searches.

When home buyers and sellers seek a real estate agent, they turn to Google to find the best candidate. Failing to optimize your website and content for specific search results will lead to missed client opportunities.

Certain things you should consider when you are optimizing your SEO content:

  • Find relevant vital terms
  • Ensure your site loads quickly
  • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly

There are many tactics to consider when it comes to SEO. It may feel overwhelming and frustrating as you work on it, but it's definitely worth taking the time to ensure you're doing the best digital marketing for yourself or your business. The world is evolving towards digital, so staying on top of it is important.

4. Professional Website

Having your own website is crucial for real estate agents, as it has been shown to contribute to 69% of sales. If you're not online, you're missing out on potential web traffic, given that 51% of home buyers use the Internet to find properties.

The most prevalent type of real estate website is an Internet Data Exchange (IDX) site that automatically showcases all your MLS listings. This enables you to promote your seller clients while effectively attracting new buyer clients. Additionally, you can opt for a more basic website that lists your specialties, track record, and contact information.

To establish trust and attract new real estate clients, it is imperative to set up a comprehensive real estate website with listings, branding, reviews, and information about your expertise. Utilizing real estate landing pages to target client types specifically and audiences is a highly effective method for lead generation.

Embracing websites, social media, and the internet at large is crucial for acquiring new clients. In today's world, staying updated on all internet trends is essential for your success.

Becoming a successful realtor creating client list and selling/buying homes

5. Specialize In a Niche

There are numerous real estate agents in your local area, each catering to different niches such as luxury properties, farms, or rentals. Once you select your niche and position yourself as the local expert in that area, you will quickly become the go-to person for clients in that region.

Establishing your reputation will require effort, but there are numerous effective strategies. You can commence by blogging about your niche or forming partnerships with experienced brokers in that specific area. Identifying your niche will set you apart from the competition and draw clients seeking your specific expertise.

Whether you choose to focus on demographics, property types, or types of buyers/sellers, you can customize your marketing efforts to attract clients in those targeted areas. To find your niche, select a sector that interests you and has high demand.

6. Open Houses

Open houses are a realtor's best friend because they give you the chance to network with interested home buyers. Many realtors include a sign-in sheet where house hunters can write their names and contact forms, which they can use to get in touch with them later and make cold calls. 

Open houses have been a successful marketing strategy for agents for decades. If you don't have a client who wants to host an open house, consider helping other realtors by hosting open houses for them. This can benefit both you and your fellow realtors by expanding your network and growing your business.

blue and white open house sign outside of house in the lawn

7. Real Estate Leads

Sometimes, the easiest way to obtain real estate leads is to purchase them from a lead generation company. These companies advertise on your behalf to attract customers interested in either selling or buying and then they provide you with the information for potential clients so you can reach out.

Although it is not free, this is a legitimate strategy that can help your business. It's a great way to generate income and gain valuable client experience, especially as a new agent. It takes time to build systems and learn how you want to work with clients.

Paying for real estate leads may seem expensive, but it is overall the fastest way to establish your expertise and boost your business. Investing in lead generation can save you a lot of time compared to other methods of obtaining client leads.

8. Market and Promote Your Services

To effectively market your real estate, it's crucial to understand all the available methods and identify those that best suit your target audience. Start by pinpointing where your audience is most engaged.

If your demographic prefers social media or text messages, prioritize those channels. If another demographic favors mail, make that your primary method.

Here are some potential marketing strategies:

Direct Mail

Real estate flyers and postcards are essential tools for guaranteeing that your target audience sees your marketing. Use mail to introduce yourself, promote your event, or specifically target buyer/seller leads.


Real estate signs can draw attention to listings, businesses, and services, offering one of the most affordable ways to reach local leads and build recognition.

Real estate sign in front of house promoting agent

Online Advertising

Online advertising provides detailed targeting options to help you reach a specific audience and maximize conversations. Real estate Google ads (PPC ads) are great for targeting active buyers and sellers on search engines, as well as on other social media platforms.

Text Messages

Text message marketing boasts a 98% open rate, almost guaranteeing that your message reaches your audience. Short real estate texts help generate leads more efficiently than other methods.

9. Referrals

According to the National Association of Realtors, 63% of sellers and 38% of buyers found their agent through referrals. Moreover, 89% of them were satisfied enough to recommend their agent to others.

Referrals are undeniably one of the most influential ways to generate real estate leads and attract new clients. It's essential to note that referrals are not limited to friends and family; they can also come from professionals in the real estate industry, including appraisers, contractors, inspectors, and mortgage brokers.

Establishing a robust referral program is crucial for client acquisition. You should actively encourage satisfied clients to refer their friends and family to expand your client base through word of mouth. Additionally, offering incentives such as gift cards or discounts can be an effective motivator.

10. Client Relationships

Building and maintaining strong client relationships is a crucial aspect of the real estate business. After attracting clients, it is vital to nurture these connections continually. Agents should regularly follow up with clients even after transactions are completed.

These small, thoughtful actions can lead to significant benefits in the long run. Establishing strong connections with homeowners not only enhances the focus on property value over time but also paves the way for future transactions.

A home is integral to one's joy and security, and real estate agents who offer diverse services and prioritize personalized connections will undoubtedly instill confidence in clients for future deals, ensuring long-term success for the agents as well.


We used information and data from several different sources as well as our own data to create this guide about the best ways to get clients in real estate:

The following are a few sources that we used to gather most of our information about attracting clients to the real estate industry.

NAR Stats


How do you get clients when starting real estate?

To increase your client base in real estate, focus on contacting people in your personal network, meeting new people, establishing a strong professional online presence, optimizing your customer relationship management system (CRS), defining your strategies, and hosting events to promote yourself.

How do you grow your real estate client list?

A few ways to expand your client list include purchasing real estate leads, engaging with your community, requesting referrals, creating a website, sharing on social media, cold calling, and specializing in a niche.

How do you stand out in real estate?

Real estate is a competitive market, so it is important to stand out. Crucial steps include enhancing the client experience, maintaining professionalism, finding your specialty, building an online presence, investing in branding, and networking.

Best Ways To Get Clients in Real Estate - The Bottom Line

Face-to-face interactions are the most effective way to convert a lead into a client. While print and online advertising are powerful, nothing beats making a compelling case for your skills and ability to represent potential buyers/sellers in person.

To establish and nurture important relationships, you must utilize various methods, such as leveraging technology and organizing community events. Proactively seeking out clients is crucial, as they won't always come to you. 

Securing clients when starting a real estate career can be challenging, but it is absolutely possible to establish a robust client base and thrive in this industry. Clients are absolutely vital in real estate, and your success unquestionably depends on your ability to effectively utilize marketing and communication strategies to attract and convert leads.

If you are considering moving or selling, contact us or visit our website. Our team at Raleigh Realty is here to help you with any home buying or selling needs

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Ryan Fitzgerald

Ryan Fitzgerald

Hi there! Nice to 'meet' you and thanks for visiting our Raleigh Real Estate Blog! My name is Ryan Fitzgerald, and I'm a REALTOR® in Raleigh-Durham, NC, the owner of Raleigh Realty. I work alongside some of the best Realtors in Raleigh. You can find more of my real estate content on Forbes, Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and more. Realtor Magazine named me a top 30 under 30 Realtor in the country (it was a long time ago haha). Any way, that's enough about me. I'd love to learn more about you if you'd like to connect with me on Facebook and Instagram or connect with our team at Raleigh Realty. Looking forward to connecting!

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